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Our Instructional Design Courses are ideal for those seeking to enter the industry or upskill.

Participants receive access to a comprehensive toolkit of materials, templates and guides required to be an exceptional instructional designer. Participants use the toolkit as a self-paced resource to complete a project designing and developing their own learning program. An IDA Instructional Design Certificate is awarded on completion.

Course Overview

Key features and benefits:

  • Proven in marketplace
  • Practical tools that work
  • Tailor tools to your needs and create your own learning materials
  • Online self-paced or face to face (for organisations)
  • Save development time and cost with decades of combined expertise
  • Lifetime access to templates with an included licence in perpetuity
  • IDA Instructional Design Certificate awarded on completion
  • Option for Feedback and Coaching as you go with Instructional Design PLUS

Become an exceptional instructional designer!

Our Credentials

Discover Learning Designs and Instructional Design Australia are successful instructional design consultancies.

  • We have been in the marketplace for over 10 years
  • We are commercially successful
  • Decades of combined expertise, investment and development time in our products
  • We work with variety of Australia’s leading organisations 

Who We Work With

Proven Methodology

The instructional design courses draws on the ADDIE model of Instructional Design:

1. Analyse
2. Design
3. Develop
4. Implement
5. Evaluate

By the end of the course, participants will not only have learned about Instructional Design, they will have applied the knowledge and skills to create their own set of learning materials.  The Instructional Design course and template kit is suited to both those who are new to Instructional Design and those seeking to refine or specialise their skills.

Importantly, each course gives the participants a license to use the included Instructional Design templates in perpetuity.

What People Say About Our Instructional Design Courses

Je venais tout juste de terminer une maîtrise en éducation des adultes et en éducation professionnelle lorsque j’ai obtenu un emploi en tant que premier concepteur pédagogique interne d’une entreprise. N’ayant que peu ou pas de modèles sur lesquels travailler, la boîte à outils ADDIE était une aubaine. Les modèles et guides de la boîte à outils sont complets, mais concis. Ils vous guident étape par étape tout au long du processus de conception de l’apprentissage – parfait pour quelqu’un ayant une expérience limitée dans le secteur de la formation et du développement. Je recommande fortement cette boîte à outils à toute personne débutant dans la conception pédagogique.


Je recommande la boîte à outils ADDIE à tout concepteur pédagogique qui recherche des modèles élégants et faciles à utiliser. J’ai reçu de nombreux compléments de mes clients depuis l’achat du Toolkit.


Cette boîte à outils ADDIE a été une bouée de sauvetage ! Après avoir travaillé pendant de nombreuses années en tant que concepteur pédagogique principal, j’ai décidé de me lancer à mon compte. Je n’avais pas mes propres modèles, donc cette boîte à outils m’a donné tout ce dont j’avais besoin. En quelques semaines seulement, j’ai créé un portfolio vraiment impressionnant qui m’a valu l’emploi de mes rêves.


Learn more about Instructional Design

Course Inquiries

To enquire about our Instructional Design Courses call Instructional Design Australia (IDA).

Contact Details

Ph:1300 528 736

Michael Peart
Ph: 0434 075 231

Bianca Schimizzi
Ph: 0416 013 623

For all your Workplace Learning, Instructional Design and Learning Design needs in Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Adelaide, Brisbane and Canberra call 1300 528 736 or make an online enquiry today

Instructional Design Certificate

A certificate of completion is available for all participants who complete an Instructional Design course with IDA.  The certificate features the Instructional Design Australia logo.

Instructional Design Australia Certificate Logo

Do You Need An Instructional Design Degree?

Instructional design is the practice of using an understanding of how people learn to inform decisions regarding learning sequences and strategies, to provide effective educational experiences that meet learning needs. Do you need a degree?

Read more here.